Myths About Hemp Seeds: Uncover the Truth!

Let's start with what hemp is. It is a type of Cannabis Sativa plant grown for various industrial applications. Its fiber goes for producing garments, its seeds serve as a healthy snack, and its oils are in high demand because of their high cannabinoid content. And yet this crop is frequently misconstrued and confused with the narcotic marijuana, leading to numerous misconceptions. But the truth is that they are quite a healthy superfood that many prefer. They come with numerous benefits and are used for oral and topical applications to prevent health problems. It would not be wrong to say that hemp is a rising star in the wellness segment. Moreover, they are readily available anywhere in the market. But people are still wondering whether hemp seeds are safe to eat or not? Do you also have the same question? If yes, then here are some points that will uncover the common myths about hemp seeds. So just keep reading until the end to gather the necessary information. Hemp seeds are edible, highly nutritious, have a high fibre concentration, and are the only dietary source with an optimum omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acid ratio. Because the body cannot produce omega oils, they must be consumed. However, if you're confused with hemp with marijuana, know hemp is grown for non-drug use. Hemp seeds are over 30% fat, and most nutrients are in the seeds. It also contains 20% soluble and 80% insoluble fiber. Make sure you store hemp seeds appropriately, like in an airtight container. Hemp seeds can be eaten raw, roasted, cooked, shelled as hemp hearts, cold-pressed to produce hemp seed oil, and much more.

Hemp myths and misconceptions
People are increasingly resorting to holistic health approaches and healthcare solutions these days. And as a result, you find a lot of chatter about hemp products and resulting confusion in the wellness industry. Be it for consumption or cultivation; there’s no end. But as the market expands and the products made from hemp seeds are becoming more commonplace, one shouldn't hold on to the old myths. So, let’s debunk them -
1.Hemp products have no medicinal value
Another myth about hemp seeds is that it doesn't have any medicinal value. There have been many warnings, too, as CBD offers no real health benefits. But the truth is that CBD promises for conditions like eczema, inflammation, chronic pain, and much more. Besides, hemp has also been a vital agent in treating migraines and epileptic seizures. Hemps seeds also have several nourishing properties, making them a great source of nutrients. Some other benefits of hemp seed oil are that it promotes skin health, supports heart health, joint, and mobility support, supports a healthy immune system, digestion, weight management, normal inflammatory pathways, and much more.

2.One shouldn't eat hemp seeds while breastfeeding or pregnant.
Another myth is that one shouldn't eat hemp seeds while pregnant or breastfeeding, but the truth is that hemp seeds do not contain TCH. This means hemp seeds are safe both for the mother and the children. And the reason for this is that hemp seeds are a great source of omegas, helps to sharpen the brain, are high in protein, help in growing bodies, and are rich in other vitamins such as zinc, potassium, calcium, etc. So you can add these seeds to your meals and snacks. The best thing about them is that they are small in size, so mild in flavor that you'll hardly taste them, and overall digestible.
3.Consuming hemp seeds will cause a positive drug test reading
As the hemp and marijuana plants look the same, you must be thinking they come with the same effects. But the truth is that hemp is the low THC version of the cannabis Sativa plant. This means hemp seeds are safe to consume. So if you're thinking you'll get high from eating hemp seeds, then you must know that the highest concentration of THC lives in the hemp plant, leaves, and flowers. It is not present in the seeds, so hemp seeds are safe to consume. So the biggest myth is that hemp products are psychoactive and will intoxicate you, but this is not the case. The truth is that they are not psychoactive and safe for consumption.
4.Hemp gets you high
No doubt, some seeds could make you high as they may contain trace amounts of opiates. For instance, it is said not to eat anything with poppy seeds before taking a drug test in some places. And if you're thinking the same for hemp seeds, do not fear as consuming hemp seeds only has a slight effect (as THC level is a mere 0.3%). Therefore, you won't fail a drug test eating hemp seeds. However, never take more doses than recommended on the package insert. So if you're waiting for any hemp-derived product to hit you the same as marijuana would, then you must know that hemp seed oil doesn't have the same dramatic psychoactive effects.

5.Hemp seed oil is good for cooking
Here, cooking is not to cook with but to add in later. Most people still shy away from hemp seed oil because of prevailing confusion that it is hemp oil, but the fact is that hemp seed oil is used in cooking as the seed doesn't contain any cannabinoids; the oil is extracted from the seeds of hemp. However, if you still think it is unhealthy to add it to your kitchen, then let me remind you that it is rich in nutrients like omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. But this gets confusing when someone says 'hemp oil.’ So you can add hemp seed oil to soups, salad dressings, sauces, and more. But make sure to add hemp seed oil to foods after cooking because heating hemp seeds may destroy the nutrient values.

Don't fall for the common hemp myths!
Moderation is essential in everything. Although hemp may not have any adverse side effects, it's always a good idea to start with minimal dosages. As there are many controversies about hemp products in the wellness world, there are lots of confusion too. Overall, hemp seeds are entirely safe to consume and should be a regular part of your diet! Hemp also has no known allergens, so it's safe to eat if you're allergic to nuts, gluten, lactose, or soy. So as a precaution, remember to ask your doctor before adding hemp seeds to your diet. And if you're willing to eat hemp seeds, start slowly. Also, before buying any hemp seed product, make sure to opt for products tested in the lab for potency and purity.