10 Things you should know about Hemp Cocoa Powder

Hemp Cocoa Powder is a perfect blend of nourishment and flavour. Hemp Cocoa Powder consists of nutrition extracted from crushed hemp seeds and delicious cocoa powder. Hemp seeds come from the hemp plant, scientifically known as Cannabis Sativa L. Hemp Cocoa Powder is rich in protein and a natural antioxidant with an earthy taste. Hemp has long been used to make hemp clothing, rope, and paper. Hemp Cocoa Powder is made by mixing cocoa powder with hemp seed oil. There are many benefits of using this product: it is vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, contains Omega 3s, and protects your heart. With its high antioxidants, essential amino acids, and magnesium, hemp cocoa powder is a healthier alternative to other cocoa powders. This article includes 10 things you should know about hemp cocoa powder.
Why is Hemp Cocoa Powder a Good Choice?
Hemp Cocoa Powder is a healthy alternative to other cocoa powders. Hemp
Cocoa Powder not only gives you an earthy flavour but also provides you
nourishment and is nutrition-rich in protein, omega 3 & 6 fatty acids, and
Let us see how:
Source of protein:
Hemp seeds are a great source of plant-based protein. If you are someone
trying to lower your meat intake, hemp cocoa powder would be one of the best
replacements for you. The hemp seed is full of protein and seeds always tend
to be lower in fats. With this, hemp cocoa powder would be a good choice to
assist your diet along with its delicious taste.
Metabolism booster:
As already informed above, hemp cocoa powder is rich in flavour and is also
called the squat source of protein. This property also boosts metabolic
activity, which ultimately improves digestion in the human body and promotes
lean body mass. Unlike any other animal protein, hemp cocoa powder is free
of cholesterol or saturated fats. 1 tablespoon of hemp cocoa powder consists
of 30 calories and 1 gram of fat while packing 5 grams of protein.
High in Amino Acids:
22 amino acids are required by the human body to function properly. The
brain uses Amino Acids to build protein. Major sources of amino acids are
animal products like eggs, meat, and milk. But hemp cocoa powder could prove
to be an efficient replacement for it. Since the human body cannot generate
all required amino acids by itself, hemp cocoa powder would greatly assist

Helps to cure Cardiovascular Disease:
Hemp seeds and Hemp Cocoa Powder are rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty
acids. These fatty acids are the main constituent in maintaining good
cardiovascular health. They protect the heart and assist in good brain
function. It consists of good levels of polyunsaturated fats, which assist
in the good functioning of the heart.
Prevents Cancer and other diseases:
Being one of the rich sources of plant-based protein, hemp seeds and hemp
cocoa powder can lower the risk of many other diseases like high blood
pressure, cancer, and high cholesterol. They also enhance the antioxidant
activity in the body.
Great source of Vitamin and Minerals:
The human body needs a lot of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. Hemp
cocoa powder provides iron, magnesium, and manganese too. These minerals are
essential in upholding all the other body functions properly. 3 tablespoons
of hemp powder provide double the amount of potassium one can solely get
from sources like spinach or oranges.

Assists in Digestion:
Hemp seeds and hemp cocoa powder contain an amalgamation of soluble and
insoluble fibres. Fibre plays a vital role in gastrointestinal health. It
helps in regulating digestion and preventing constipation. It also aids in
preventing diseases like diarrhea.
Prevents Joint Pain and Arthritis:
Hemp cocoa powder and seeds, to much extent, can be a good substitute to the
required minerals and nutrients of the human body. It has anti-arthritis
properties and can also prevent joint and other body pains. It could do
wonders for the person suffering from joint pain, similar to the benefits of
fish oil.
Enhanced Skin:
Instead of going for expensive skin treatments and different skin ointments,
hemp cocoa powder would be a good pick for maintaining good skin and
skincare. It contains all the essential vitamins, minerals, and majorly
omega 3 & 6 fatty acids, giving you improved skin by meeting all your derma
needs. Moreover, it can also be beneficial to one who suffers from skin
conditions like Eczema.

Myth: Hemp Powder makes one drowsy:
No study and analytical data proves that Hemp seeds or Hemp cocoa powder
makes one drowsy. People might believe Hemp powder makes one tired due to
its high percentage of magnesium. There is no empirical evidence to prove
the same.

Hemp Cocoa Powder is one of the best substitutes of protein, minerals and
vitamins for vegans and those who want to switch to a vegetable and plant
diet or simply want to lower their meat consumption. It moreover assists in
preventing various health diseases, including high blood pressure, high
cholesterol, cardiovascular diseases, and many more. 30 grams of hemp cocoa
powder provides 15 grams of protein. Benefits of Hemp Cocoa Powder also
include preventing constipation and improving digestion. One can intake Hemp
Cocoa Powder with water, milk, or even soy milk. One can even add dry fruits
into the milk to enhance its flavour. Losing weight is much easier with its
intake as it keeps you satisfied for a longer time period.